Local Notice to Mariners

Written on 02/01/2022


No. 02 of 2022 – Dredging works in Cardiff Bay Barrage Outer Harbour and Approach Channel

Beginning on or around Tuesday 1st February 2022 for approximately 2 weeks, the dredging vessel MV Sospan Dau and support vessel MV F48 will be carrying out dredging works in Cardiff Bay Barrage Outer Harbour and Approach Channel.

The vessels will display lights and shapes in accordance with the International Regulations for the Prevention of Collisions at Sea and will maintain a listening watch on VHF Channels 16, 18 and 68.

On or around Wednesday 26th January 2022, the Preferred Channel Mark (Fl2+1) R.10s and the Inner Port Hand Mark (Fl R) will be moved approximately 30 metres out from their normal positions on the edge of the channel. The Outer Port Hand Mark and Inner Starboard Hand Mark will be recovered.

All Vessels wishing to enter or leave Cardiff Bay should contact Barrage Control on VHF Channel 18 and await instructions before entering the Outer Harbour.

Vessels should also navigate with caution in the approach channel for the duration of the dredging works and whilst the buoyage is off station.

Mariners are reminded that CCTV is in operation at the Barrage for operational and health and safety reasons. All CCTV images and VHF transmissions are recorded.

Notices Cancelled None

Notices Remaining in Force

No. 14 of 2020 – PYW timetable Pilot scheme
No. 02 of 2021 – Lifting of Navigation Restrictions – (Staying Local during Covid 19)
No 04 of 2021 - Notice of Discontinuance of Aids to Navigation – Cardiff Barrage Approach Channel Sector Light and Taff Crossing Viaduct Upstream and Downstream lighted beacons No 07 of 2021 – Paddle craft transit route between River Taff and River Ely
No 08 of 2021 – Water Ski Pilot Scheme / Zone
No 01 of 2022 – Cardiff Barrage Lock 1 Closure – Preventative Maintenance

For notices that remain in force prior to 2016 please see: www.cardiffharbour.com