Notice to Mariners 19 – Cardiff Half Marathon – Sunday 2nd October 2022

Written on 09/13/2022


No. 19 of 2022 – Cardiff Half Marathon – Sunday 2nd October 2022

The Cardiff Half Marathon will take place on Sunday 2nd October 2022, over a course which includes the Barrage. Therefore, the Barrage lock bridges will remain closed between 1000 hrs and 1130 hrs on the day of the race.

Mariners requiring a bridge to be raised to enter or exit the lock are advised to lock out no later than 1000 hrs. The last inbound lock before the restriction will be at 0945 hrs.

Locks will be available throughout the period for vessels which do not require the lifting of the lock bridges to access the locks.

Please contact Barrage Control for further information.

Mariners are reminded that CCTV is in operation at the Barrage for operational and health and safety reasons. All CCTV images and VHF transmissions are recorded.

Notices Cancelled - None Notices Remaining in Force

No. 14 of 2020 – PYW timetable Pilot scheme
No 04 of 2021 - Notice of Discontinuance of Aids to Navigation 
– Cardiff Barrage Approach Channel Sector Light and Taff Crossing Viaduct Upstream and Downstream lighted beacons No 07 of 2021 – Paddle craft transit route between River Taff and River Ely
No 08 of 2021 
– Water Ski Pilot Scheme / Zone
No 07 of 2022 
– Temporary Exclusion Zone – Aquapark Cardiff
No 13 of 2022 
– River Taff Embankment Works
No 15 of 2022 
– Cardiff Bay Barrage locking restrictions
No 16 of 2022 
– Extension of Cardiff Bay Barrage Locking Restrictions – Weekends
No 18 of 2022 
– Outer Harbour Dredging

Harbour Master, Cardiff Bay

12th September 2022
Queen Alexandra House, Cargo Rd, CardiffCF10 4LY

Barrage Control Tel No: 029 2070 0234, VHF18